Concept2 BikeErg - uzņēmuma zīmola jaunais produkts ar 40 gadu pieredzi.Spararats izmanto gaisa pretestību, lai nodrošinātu vienmērīgu un klusu braucienu, kas atbilst jūsu pūlēm. A..
Concept2 airēšanas trenažieris modelis DŠis modelis tiek uzskatīts par vienu no labākajiem starp airēšanas trenažieriem. Tam ir uzticama struktūra, kas ir ilgtermiņa apkalpošanas atslēga.Profesionāli sportisti sauc Concept2 D trenažieri par labāko airēšanas un sporta sportā. Pat olimpiskie..
Concept2 Model E airēšanas trenažieris liks visiem muskuļiem organismā darboties. Tas vienlaicīgi nodarbina vairākas muskuļu grupas. Slodze vingrinājuma laikā tiek radīta gaisa pretestības dēļ, tāpēc treniņu laikā ir iespējams viegli regulēt slodzi. Pateicoties tam, katra nodarbība uz simulatora lie..
Concept2 SkiErg2 slēpošanas trenažierisConcept2 SkiErg2 padara slēpošanu pieejamu ikvienam jebkurā gada laikā. Attīstiet izturību, trenējiet ķermeni un izbaudiet katra treniņa reālismu. Trenažieris ir atzīts par labāko šāda veida ierīci - to izvēlas profesionāli sportisti un slēpošanas cie..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stacks,..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stacks,..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stacks,..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..
The TR line was designed with commercial facilities in mind with features like converging & diverging axes, front & rear shrouds, & 4mm thick steel frames. Counter-balanced arms and cams are used to deliver the biomechanically correct resistance curve for a given exercise. Color-coded weight stack..